Connect with us!
There are several opportunities to connect with us outside of Sunday service. We encourage you to join us for any of the following events!
Girls Night Out
Our monthly gathering of women is a blend of fun social events and mission-based projects. Whether it’s enjoying fellowship over a meal or putting our hands and hearts to work at local nonprofits, these events deepen our bonds with our sisters of Christ.

Church Chicks
Join fellow sisters every third Tuesday of the month at Bob Evans in Levis Commons for lunch, comradeship, and support. All women are welcome!
*Please note: Church Chicks will not be meeting Nov. 2024- March 2025.

Men’s Breakfast
Join fellow brothers at Bob Evans in Bowling Green every second Tuesday of the month to share breakfast and friendship. All men are welcome!
*Please note: Men's Breakfast will not be meeting Dec. 2024- March 2025.

Family Fun Nights
Once a year, we host a free event for our church members and community with a themed meal, games, and entertainment for all. It’s a night celebrating community, fellowship, and fun!
Family Game Nights
Join us on Sunday nights during the winter months! Enjoy your favorite games, whether it's board games or ping pong, along with intergenerational fellowship. Plus, savor the warmth of homemade soup as we come together for an evening of fun and connection.

Bible Studies
Join us for faith formation events offered intermittently, typically during Advent and Lent. Bible studies, held once a week, embrace a hybrid approach, allowing you to participate either in person or on Zoom.

Vacation Bible School
We host an annual VBS with our friends from St. Paul Lutheran Church. We invite preschool-aged children (potty-trained) through incoming fifth graders to participate.